Leading the Aussie way | City Bible Forum

Leading the Aussie way

How is leading Australians different? What are the essential characteristics of leadership?
Wed 15 May 2013

How is leading Australians different?

What are the essential characteristics of leadership?

There are some leaders we instinctively warm to, and then there are others we love to loathe.

Why? What attracts us to good leaders? Is it the oratory skills of an Obama, the courage of a Churchill, the vision of a Jobs, the brashness of a Branson or perhaps the humility of a Gandhi?

Against the backdrop of the imminent federal election, our specialist panel will consider if there is anything distinctive about the way Australians lead and respond to leadership. Has Jesus' model of sacrifice and service left an indelible mark on our understanding of true leadership?

These videos were recorded on Wednesday May 15 and Thursday May 16, at our CBD locations.

John Anderson AO is a former Australian politician. He served as the Deputy Prime Minister of Australia and Leader of the rural-based National Party of Australia from July 1999 to July 2005.

Mark Scott AO is the Managing Director of the ABC. Mark spent almost twelve years in a variety of editorial and executive positions with Fairfax Media. He was Editorial Director of Fairfax’s newspaper and magazine division and Editor-in-Chief of Metropolitan, Regional and Community newspapers.

Andrew Scipione APM is the Commissioner of the New South Wales Police Force.
