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Welcome to the 2020 Smith Lecture! This page gives you access to the livestream of the lecture. See below for a timeline of the lecture and some follow-up options.

If you want to participate in the Q&A after the lecture, please SMS your questions to 0409 457 259.

6:45 Livestream starts - click video to join
6:51 Introductory video featuring Francis Collins
7:00 Lecture starts
7:45 Q&A - SMS your questions to 0409 457 259
8:10 Livestream finishes

The Smith Lecture provides an annual forum for the intellectually curious to hear the perspective of a Christian public figure on an issue relevant to the life of our nation.

The Smith Lecture continues the legacy of the late Bruce Smith. He believed in the broad significance of the Christian message of reconciliation with God through the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Am I just my brain?

Modern research is uncovering more and more detail of what our brain is and how it works. We are living, thinking creatures who carry around with us an amazing organic supercomputer in our heads.

But what is the relationship between our brains and our minds-and ultimately our sense of identity as a person? Are we more than machines? Is free-will an illusion? Do we have a soul?

Brain scientist Sharon Dirckx lays out the current understanding of who we are from biologists, philosophers, theologians and psychologists, and points towards a bigger picture, that suggests answers to the fundamental questions of our existence. Not just “What am I?”, but “Who am I?” and “Why am I?”
