The Post-COVID Playbook | City Bible Forum
'Playbook': all the pieces and parts that allow you to get things done

COVID-19 has left us scrambling as we’ve pivoted to online church, online small groups and online one to ones but what does post-COVID life look like? How has COVID affected our message, our posture and our practice?

Below are a series of short videos in which Sam Chan lays out a 'playbook'. Each video is only 3-5 mins long. Together, they lay out the pieces and parts which will enable you to share Jesus in the post-COVID world because the world isn't going back to the way it was before. Our playing field has changed. Check out Sam’s intro to the series here.

You can also download a copy of the playbook by clicking the button below. Designed for individuals or groups, this discussion guide has questions for each episode so you get the most of watching. If you want to dig deeper on a particular episode, we’ve also included links to further articles which Sam used to pull the playbook together. Our prayer is that we’ll be able to sharpen each other and together, we will be able to share Jesus in the post-COVID world in an even better way.


Sam Chan | 3 Jun 2020
Three reasons to pivot