Amplify with Sam Chan PERTH
Subi Church
260 Bagot Road, Subiaco

Keen to share Jesus?
Read books but rarely hop into action?
Looking for a kickstart and a support team?
Let's build confidence and competence in building our relationships and sharing Jesus together.
See an intro video and details on the EvQ Amplification page
It has been 7 years since Sam Chan has been in Perth to run workshops or speak at events! It has been near impossible to get him here.
Sam is a dad, a doctor, an author, a lecturer, trainer, mentor @EvQ School of Evangelism, evangelistic speaker and has been a fellow with TGC’s Keller Cultural Apologetics Centre since it started a couple years ago.
Here's your rare chance to catch him again.
Sam Chan has been working for City Bible Forum for almost 10 years and is a passionate communicator and evangelist. He'll be sharing some insights on modern Australian culture to help us to remove some of our blockers, and instead AMPLIFY our personal evangelism.
Over three sessions, we'll work together, combining a simple framework from Sam Chan's "How to Talk About Jesus (Without Being THAT Guy)" with some practical steps "in between" to help your friends, family or work colleagues get that one step closer to hearing the Good News of the Gospel PLUS help you to grow your confidence and competence in personal evangelism!
Here's the dates of our three sessions:
May 5th, 7:00-8:30pm (in person)
August 25th, 7:00-8:00pm (online)
November 10th, 7:00-8:00pm (online)
Want to share it in your church? Access promotional material here
Invite pastors and Christian friends:
We look forward to helping us think about the privilege of participating in God's mission together.