We are delighted to announce that the target of $420,000 for our mid-year ‘Reaching the World of Work’ fundraising appeal was reached by 30 June.
Thank you for your kind donation! It is so greatly appreciated.
We have to date received a total of $426,838 from 384 supporters. This funding will enable us to: operate networks such as Men’s Fellowships, City Legal, HeadStart and Transition Group; develop content such as Reel Dialogue and Bigger Questions; run events such as The Edge and The Smith Lecture; offer training courses like Share Jesus at Work and I am What I Do?; engage enquirers in the Gospel of John with The Word One-to-One resources; and so much more! Your donation will fund our 43 staff (pictured) to continue working to build the kingdom. God knows what we need and we are humbled and grateful for His generous provision.
Unlike many non-profit organisations and ministries, City Bible Forum operates with limited financial reserves. We seek to put into practice the lesson Israel was meant to learn in the wilderness: “"Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD." (Deuteronomy 8:3). We trust our Heavenly Father for his provision as he knows what is best and knows the burden he has laid on the hearts of his children. Your support is a vote of confidence in the ministry and we are ever so grateful for the partnership with so many fellow believers across the nation. It truly is a joy to work with you in this mission!
Please continue to pray for us and continue to journey with us as we seek to introduce many more people to Jesus. Please pray they will be convicted to put their faith in Him and that His name will be glorified.