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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3

Well done, Gunn. Well done.

4 out of 5 stars

Over the past decade, no one could have predicted that audiences would fall in love with this band of outer space misfits. The Guardians of the Galaxy was different from the marquee brands of Marvel Comics, but a relatively unknown director named James Gunn took a chance. The original was released in August, usually regulated to lesser-valued properties. Still, it went on to become one of the hits of 2014. As the tsunami of the MCU swept around the globe, Star-Lord (Chris Pratt) and his team rode on the crest of this wave as one of the fan favourites. As we conclude this phase of the Marvel Universe, it was inevitable that this team would get their swan song and go out in their own quirky and hilarious manner.

After all that has gone on since Endgame and their brief adventures with Thor, the Guardians have settled into life in Knowhere. Peter is still pining over his loss of Gamora (Zoe Saldaña) while the rest of the crew gets on with life within the skull of this celestial god. Until Adam Warlock (Will Poulter) breaks into their peaceful world and attempts to kidnap Rocket (Bradley Cooper) to take him back to his maker, The High Evolutionary (Chukwudi Iwuji). The team thwarts this abduction, but it comes at a cost as the space racoon’s life is jeopardised and Peter must rally the team to go on a mission to save their friend’s life. This adventure leads the Guardians to team with the Ravagers, who have a little surprise for Star-Lord and this motley crew. Their unlikely partnership becomes a race against the clock to save Rocket’s life as he is confronted with his past. The Guardians must determine what they are willing to sacrifice for the sake of their furry friend.

One thing that can be said about James Gunn’s trilogy is that audiences should expect the unexpected. They will love this final chapter if they are comfortable with his vision. The new head of DC samples from H.G. Wells’ The Island of Doctor Moreau, elements of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, adds a dash of Ocean’s 11 humour, throws in a reference to Noah's Ark and then shakes things up with his own space fantasy madness. Granted, this instalment is long and foreboding, but the directeur du jour justifies this extended creation as he does all he can to tie off all of the franchise’s loose ends. In the process, he has redeemed the MCU for a moment from the debacle that has occurred since Endgame.

Guardians of the Galaxy has remained faithful to its narrative within the ever-expanding and confusing Marvel Universe. Three elements that have made this a fan favourite and allowed it to endure through its decade-long run are humour, fun and that amazing soundtrack. Admittedly, some of the jokes throughout the years have landed while others fail to garner a laugh. Still, Gunn and the team do all they can to make the audience laugh along with their misadventures across the universe. This leads to a mixture of enjoyable banter and hijinks that has become part of the endearing elements that have led people to fall in love with this gang, which includes a rodent and a large tree. Finally, that soundtrack. This music makes the movie work and even helps us overlook some plot holes or missteps that occur periodically.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 is a homage to Rocket, while it allows fans to say farewell to what they have come to expect from these misfits. Yet, providing enough hope that they may see most, if not all, of them again. Well done, Gunn. Best MCU film in years.

REEL DIALOGUE: Man's attempt to be 'The creator'

‘There is no god, so I had to step in.’ - The High Evolutionary

As mentioned, this film is bathed in cautionary elements from H.G. Wells’ The Island of Doctor Moreau and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. The brilliant scientist who thinks they have the solution to all of the ills of the world and universe. Yet, in their goal to create a utopian world, they realise the task is beyond their capabilities. They prove they are not god in their quest to assert their intelligence, exert their power, or merely explore their curiosity.

This issue dates back to the beginning of time and finds its origins in the opening pages of the Bible. Based on the premise of the creator God, who made all mankind in his image, it is no wonder God's creation would want to create or even think they can get it better. This desire manifests in art, food, clothing, housing, and the sciences. There are a multitude of moral juxtapositions to wrestle through in this consideration of creating new life. Still, the very nature of creating is ingrained in humanity.

The only challenge is that God continues to prove that he is the only one to get it right when it comes to the creation of humanity. So, is the desire to create new life merely a lesson in futility or too hard to deny? Discuss.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. - Genesis 1:1

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