Headstart Interview: Sharing Jesus at Work #1

We ran a "competition" for Headstarters - the first 5 young workers to comment on a post would get to do the Share Jesus at Work course for free! Here is what Jessie thought, one of the workers who did the course. Jessie is currently working in Toowoomba, Queensland and is part of the Headstart online crew, dialing in through Zoom.
So Jessie, why did you want to be one of the first 5 to “win” doing the Share Jesus at Work course? Spots went very quickly after the post went up at 7pm on Tuesday.
I love getting free things so having the chance to do a course for free to better equip me to share the gospel at work sounded pretty great in my books.
Well, we won't question your impeccable tastes and swift commenting. From memory you were the first! So, what is one thing you can put into practice right now that will help you share Jesus at work?
One thing the course brought up is that showing love to our neighbour takes time, energy and money. And that could look like shouting your co worker lunch and using that opportunity to get to know them better and on a deeper level. Last week, I had the opportunity to show love by inviting some colleagues over for a meal and board games and gave me the opportunity to get to know them better and to develop a relationship outside of work where I can hopefully be able to share with them my life and faith.
That is soooo awesome. So glad you've not only watched the lessons, you've given it a go straight away. Board games and meal is a great "dinner activity", in the coffee-dinner-gospel approach. Thanks for sharing. What is one thing that you will take away from doing this course?
One thing I will take away from the course is all the great conversation starters I can use to be able to engage in meaningful conversations where I can learn more about my colleague’s world views and maybe hopefully be able to share the gospel with them.
Yup, the course is meant to be that practical - suggesting great conversation starters/questions. So finally, how did you do the course and why would you recommend another worker to do this course?
I did the course by myself but was able to share some of the encouraging things I learnt and lesson summaries with my friends who are also young workers seeking to share Jesus at the workplace.
I’d definitely recommend this course, it may seem like a daunting task but this course has helped me to understand the why, the what and the how of sharing Jesus in the workplace. The course also has application sections which help you to reflect and think about how you can actively apply the teachings to your own workplace.
Wow! Thanks Jessie for sharing and we'll be praying for your colleagues as you share Jesus with them.