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It's a Wonderful Life

Joining the Dots Theatre production - Marrickville

‘Audiences will come away entertained and encouraged as you are transported to Bedford Falls to rediscover the value of life.’

Dates: 28 June – 15 July 2023
Location: Hellenic Art Theatre (The Greek Theatre), 36/142 Addison Rd, Marrickville, NSW

Two things came to mind as the lights went down and actors made their way to the stage to interpret a treasured classic like It’s a Wonderful Life. The first is how much this story based on Frank Capra’s film inspired by Philip Van Doren Stern’s book The Greatest Gift influenced my life growing up in the United States. Then the second thought was how incredibly artistic and talented an independent theatre troupe would need to be to bring this cherished story to the stage.

Director Nicholas Papademetriou’s vision captured the magic of George Bailey’s (Alex Bryant-Smith) journey through life in Bedford Falls. He conveyed the nostalgic tone needed to honour the cinematic classic while incorporating ingenuity into the stage production, giving this familiar tale a new life. The Greek Theatre (Marrickville) was appropriate for this period piece set in the Depression and World War II era as the floors creaked and the seating was reminiscent of this time period. Yet, the cast managed to draw the audience into this world, proving that our world hasn’t changed much in the past century. Since this script includes topics such as affordable housing, epidemics, economic downturns, and mental health, we are reminded of how this story transcends time.

What stands out about this production is the commitment of the cast, who all embody the multitude of characters each is expected to play. Each represents their role with convincing form and propels this production forward. This became even more apparent as the crowd responded with cheers, laughter, and tears as this beautiful story came to life on stage. It’s a Wonderful Life and Joining the Dots Theatre is worth searching for in the deep recesses of Marrickville. Audiences will come away entertained and encouraged as you are transported to Bedford Falls to rediscover the value of this gift called life.

Be sure to enjoy the pre-show dinner: For all considering attending this 'wonderful' theatre production, go for the pre-show Christmas-themed dinners if you genuinely want the immersive experience. The team at Dinner on the Table makes the evening more decadent and delicious while adding to the night's ambience. The food was delightful and carefully chosen to complement the show's theme that is about to unfold before the audience’s eyes. This part of the night was like sitting around the table at Christmas with family and friends, but with a gourmet finesse that will add to the overall satisfaction of an evening at the theatre.

Picture: Alison Chambers and Ben McEachen (Reel Dialogue event/Belfast)

Reel Dialogue: What do movies and the theatre have in common?

I had the privilege of working with Alison Chambers during a Reel Dialogue event. She served on one of panels after a film screening, and she captured the audience’s attention with her knowledge and wonderful demeanour. After the panel discussion, we shared a coffee, and this talented actress explained the purpose of Joining the Dots Theatre. Her passion proved contagious, and as the story unfolded, it was obvious that the objectives of Joining the Dots and Reel Dialogue were similar.

'Joining the Dots Theatre is worth discovering and enjoying with those you love.'

Within the theatre's story was a love for how the arts bring people together and connect them to the various ‘dots’ in a story. Precisely, how these stories can transcend the human experience and incorporate God. We encourage our Reel Dialogue audience to introduce themselves to this theatrical community and get out to support their work.

The Greek Theatre is tucked back in the neighbourhood of Marrickville. Still, this theatrical treasure is worth discovering and enjoying with those you love.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. - Ephesians 2:9

If you want to discuss creativity and God, contact us at Third Space. We would love to chat about this and more.

The word becomes film

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