3 out of 5 stars
A phenomenon that we will need to adjust to over this coming year is films that have been held back due to the pandemic. Projects that have been put on perpetual pause until they are allowed out of the vault to try to see the light of cinemas, if they were spared from the ‘direct to streaming’ stigma. Morbius is one of those remaining stories moved more times than any movie in recent memory. Time will tell if this Jared Leto-driven superhero film will be allowed to rise from the COVID purgatory it has been banished to for the last two years.
As if this was not challenging enough, this character has little recognition from anyone outside of the devoted Marvel fans. Dr. Michael Morbius (Leto) is a celebrated doctor and scientist who has worked to unearth the answers behind his debilitating blood disorder throughout his life. His accomplishments have made him world-renowned until he eventually finds the solution to his debilitating disease by merging human DNA with that of bats. As he chooses to test his theory on himself first, this experiment proves effective while causing him to succumb to being a vampire.
This leads the celebrated doctor to find answers to control and remedy some of the key side effects, especially the insatiable need to consume human blood. While working through these personal challenges, he must stay ahead of the police as they investigate some of the deaths due to Morbius’ actions. At the same time, his friend and financier, Loxias Crown (Matt King), who has suffered from the same disease alongside his counterpart, discovers the antidote that Michael has developed. This adds a new dimension to the doctor’s struggles as he tries to find an antidote to keep his friend from wreaking havoc on the city.
In all fairness, this film will experience a pile-on effect with its comparisons to Venom and other superhero films. There was little expectation for this film to even see a resurrection after the multiple delays. Much less to offer anything new to the Spider-verse or Marvel’s legacy, but it proved surprisingly better than expected. In the same vein as the origin films that started the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) like Captain America: The First Avenger. This film was all about character development and attempts to show the place of this odd addition to the superhero narrative. Despite being methodical and less engaging than most films within this genre, Moribius was better than one might expect.
Jared Leto is the key to this whole project working and he is convincing as an anti-hero. This role seems to suit him better than the Joker, especially since there are few expectations on who he is and his position within the Spider-verse. It does need to be made clear that this is not your typical Marvel outing. As Venom took this brand to creepier depths, Morbius pushes it to the limits. As a vampire, his tactics are brutal and bloody, which means this is not for the faint of heart or young ones to view. While many films within this franchise garner a soft warning for superhero violence, this one deserves a mature rating for disturbing images and gore.
All that to be said, there is a reason this film was still released in cinemas. It was less of a superhero tale and more of an attempt by Marvel to have a go at a vampire story. Though it did not set new standards within the genre, Morbius was entertaining. It will be interesting to see how he fits within this cinematic universe.
REEL DIALOGUE: Am I good or bad? Yes!
Throughout the years, one of the elements of modern superhero films is determining the line between good and evil. Especially when you are dealing with the anti-hero, like Morbius and Venom. The inner turmoil these characters see on screen is evident in how they respond to each situation that comes their way. Are they good or bad or something in between?
The same could be said about all human beings, which leads to the ultimate question. Who determines what is good or bad in this world? Unlike many modern commentators who state that we must find our own truth, there is a place for us to know that there is a place to determine right and wrong. If we are honest with ourselves, the only place to find the answer is outside ourselves and our limited viewpoint. This film gives us a glimpse into the darker side of this discussion, but know that there are options to shed some light on the subject.
The first step could be by engaging with what God has to say about both good and evil. If you want to know more, contact us at thirdspace.org.au or start by reading a portion of the Bible: Romans is a great place to start.