Stories of us: Annalisa

Hi, my name is Annalisa. I joined the workforce in Perth two years ago as an auditor. I’ve found COVID-19 both challenging and encouraging as I’ve sought to be Jesus and share Jesus with my colleagues.
I’ll start with what I found challenging. The biggest challenge I think came with me personally adapting to all the changes. That took up a lot of headspace and energy. For example, I worked from home for 3 months. I didn’t have my work colleagues around to help resolve questions with my work, which made things more complicated. I found myself busier in COVID than I usually am at that time of year. There were days when I felt overwhelmed. God in his kindness gave me the desire to meditate on his Word and pray at the start of each day, and I do think that made a difference to my perspective.
We’re now back working at client sites. But I’m also aware that things haven’t just returned to normal. Recently the Chartered Accountants did an online webinar on mental health. I sent the slides and resources to my work colleagues as I wasn't sure how many of them were able to attend the webinar. And from conversations I’d had with some of them, I was concerned that their mental health might still be impacted by COVID.
There is one particular encouragement I’d like to share. Because of COVID restrictions, my church did not hold a Good Friday Easter service. I decided to do a Facebook Live event on Good Friday - just playing some Christian songs and sharing my faith. I had also been studying the book of Acts with Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) and been reminded that my colleagues need to hear the gospel too. So I extended the invitation to my colleagues. I also wrote a song called “In Peace I Lie Down” based on Psalms 4 and 5. When I shared the song with my work colleagues via email I also invited them to my Facebook Live event. I was surprised to receive good responses from my managers and directors. There was an openness there that I haven’t noticed before.
I’m really thankful for the way God continues to grow me through these challenging times. I’m praying that the opportunities I’ve had to care for my work colleagues might spark further conversations. I’d love my colleagues to come to know this Jesus who gives me perspective, peace and hope.