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Use the season to explain the reason

Easter is an easy time of year to talk to people

It’s amazing that many governments give us public holidays to celebrate and remember the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus.

Christianity is on the public agenda at Easter and Christmas (even if distorted). People are in a good mood as they look forward to enjoying the holidays. We should make use of this opportunity to more easily start a conversation about Jesus.

Talking about Easter
Here are some questions you could use to start meaningful conversations around Easter:

  1. “What is your family doing over Easter? Does Easter have any religious significance for you and your family?”
  2. “Why do you think Good Friday is called ‘good’ when it celebrates the death of an innocent man?”
  3. “Do you think Jesus’ death has any significance for us today?” A lot of people will instinctively say “Jesus died for our sins” without having ever thought about what that means. Dig deeper into their understanding, and then explain why Christ took their place.
  4. “Do you believe that Jesus rose from the dead like the Bible claims?” Again, many people believe this but have never thought about the implications for themselves. Probe their thoughts, and then explain its relevance to us (Jesus is the Lord and Judge, he’s coming back, and the Holy Spirit is available to give us new life now—see Acts 2).
  5. “Have you ever read the account in the Bible of Jesus’ death and resurrection?” This might be a good question for people who are anti-Christian but who have never read the source documents. You could offer to give them a printout of Luke 24-26.

Action: What can you do to make use of the season to explain the reason?

Pray: Thank God for your Easter season opportunities. Pray for courage and wise words to start meaningful conversations.