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Andrew Laird
What's God's POV of you?
Russ Matthews
He's a saviour figure...but he isn't Jesus
Robert Martin
Finding the truth
Craig Josling
The Christmas season is a busy one, but it provides some good opportunities to point people to Jesus.
Russ Matthews
Open the bag to elegance, class and great filmmaking
Russ Matthews
Bong Joon-ho is back with multiple Robert Pattinsons
Russ Matthews
This beautifully tragic story will have your heart singing again
Russ Matthews
With Bob Dylan, the times were a-changing
Young Goh
Career transition with a purpose
Craig Josling
But when we’ve been attacked or insulted, being gracious is a great challenge.
Sam Chan
Joshua Cheung
Sam explains why it’s good to be weird in the workplace, plus encouraging stories of workplace evangelism from one young worker