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Easter Reading Group

The Week That Changed the World
Mon 31 Mar, 5.30pm-6.30pm

The Boardroom at The Platform
256 Adelaide Terrace, Perth

Why is Easter so potent?

Surely it is because Easter deals with the most spine-tingling topics possible: people and power, plus death, judgement and the possibility of surviving them both.

In the lead up to Easter, you're invited to consider the week that changed the course of history. We still recognise Easter with such a long weekend today! Why are events which happened 2000 years ago still reverberating today?

Curious? Skeptical?
Everyone welcome - These sessions are even suitable for those who have not looked at the eye-witness accounts of the first Easter before.

Join us for these stimulating discussions and sharing personal experiences as we discuss these questions.
We'll be meeting in a great space at The Purpose Studio on Mondays 31/3 - 14/4.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Please contact Léni-Jo McMillan for more information.