Challenge and Support Groups | City Bible Forum

Evangelism is important but sometimes we find ourselves too distracted by life to look for opportunities.

This five week challenge offers a tangible, encouraging and transformative way to deepen our conversations with others towards inviting them to read the Bible and discover Jesus for themselves.

Please contact Caroline Spencer or one of our team for further information.


Why should I take up the challenge?
It will help you to stay motivated for evangelism.

How does it work?
You pick your own evangelism challenge. You participate in a small supportive group that meets three times. Hearing each other's progress and stories and praying together is profoundly transformative.

How will it help?
“It was encouraging to hear how others shared similar challenges, but also rejoice in their 'wins' no matter how big or small, and helped in feeling like we aren't doing it alone.” - Jess, participant

“Helpful for those hoping to take their faith (and evangelism) to the next level” - Siaw, participant

Where do I start?
We have all the resources you need to participate or facilitate a Challenge and Support Group.

Next Steps


Recent resources

Al Stewart | 22 May 2023
God's heart for the lost
Al Stewart | 22 May 2023
Pray for opportunities to speak and the words to say
Al Stewart | 22 May 2023
Living a consistent life