The post-COVID Workplace (Jodie and James interview) | City Bible Forum

The post-COVID Workplace (Jodie and James interview)

How to live as salt and light in the new normal
Wed 5 Aug 2020

Its been described as “the biggest shake-up of the workplace since World War II”. What many workplaces have, and are continuing to go through, in the wake of COVID-19 is unprecedented. As entire businesses were forced to work from home, we had to radically rethink how and where and what we did for work. Now as many are beginning to return to “the new normal” many questions remain unanswered. Much uncertainty still remains. What of the COVID-era should stay and what should go? It’s into this situation that Christians have a powerful opportunity to be salt and light, as we add our voices to the shaping of the post-COVID workplace.

Here two healthcare professionals, Jodie and James, sharing their encouraging story of how God continues to be at work in the midst of COVID.