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Sully Discussion Guide

Reel Dialogue Discussion Guides

How do you define a hero? Do they put on capes and appear in comic books or are they ordinary people who do exceptional things in extra-ordinary situations? On Thursday, January 15th, 2009, it was just another routine fight to Charlotte, North Carolina for Captain Chelsey Sullenberger, nicknamed 'Sully' (Tom Hanks) and his co-pilot Jeff Skiles (Aaron Eckhart). They had a full flight of passengers who were hoping to escape the cold of New York. All was routine on the flight out of the city until the A380 jetliner was hit by a flock of Canadian geese and both engines became inoperable. Relying on his 40 years of flying experience, Sully managed to land the jetliner on the Hudson River with miraculously few injuries and no deaths occurring. The seasoned pilot became an instant celebrity and hero of the Big Apple. During the celebrations and adulation from the around the city, behind the scenes there was a tension surrounding the investigation into the flight's circumstances. Sully was unable to celebrate with the world, due to the implications of what he was accused of during the landing and the potential impact that it would have on his career and his life.

Reel Dialogue review - Sully

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