Ep 85: How much money is enough? | City Bible Forum

Ep 85: How much money is enough?

Sun 8 Oct 2017
Bible reference(s): Ecclesiastes 5:10-6:2

When billionaire businessman John D Rockerfeller was asked this very question a century ago, his legendary answer was "One dollar more!"

With a background as CEO of Garrisons financial planning and Synergy Capital Management, John Sikkema understands the lure and the pressure of finding those extra zeros for the bottom line. He shares his experiences with us, as well as the wisdom he has learned along the way. We ask John Sikkema some Bigger Questions.

This episode was recorded before a live audience in Melbourne's CBD in August 2017.

You can explore the bigger questions raised in this episode through the accompanying Chasing Life reading guide. It contains further questions, stories and reflections to help you think more about the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes.

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