Life, the universe and nothing: Is it reasonable to believe there is a God? (Part 2) | City Bible Forum

Life, the universe and nothing: Is it reasonable to believe there is a God? (Part 2)

Videos of discussion between Professor Lawrence Krauss and Rory Shiner
Thu 22 Aug 2013

A conversation between Professor Lawrence Krauss and Rory Shiner on the topic 'Is it reasonable to believe there is a god?' Hosted by City Bible Forum at Perth Town Hall with moderator Narelda Jacobs.

The first video includes a 15 minute introductory statement by each of the speakers, the second a moderated discussion and the third questions from the floor and the speakers' responses.

The copyright for the Life, the Universe and Nothing videos is held by City Bible Forum. Prof Krauss has requested that these videos are not copied on to any device nor uploaded by anyone other than the City Bible Forum.
