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Are You a Mosquito Magnet?

It's the way you smell!

New research shows that mosquitoes prefer some people over others.

It's all to do with how you smell.

Mosquitoes prefer people with a high level of natural moisturisers on their skin, because it smells good to them. And there's nothing you can do about it; no amount of soap, scrubbing or deodorant can shake this attraction—you're a natural mosquito magnet for life!

It's sort of opposite of what God did for us.

By nature, we run away from God. We resist His love.

But in Jesus, God scrubs us clean, anoints us with perfume, clothes us in beauty. Jesus gives us a new nature—where we're attracted to God, and God is attracted to us.

You're a God magnet, for life!

But oh're still a mosquito magnet. Not much you can do about that.

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