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Avoiding The Eeyore Syndrome

God's joy is the cure

It's hard to find anyone who doesn't love Winnie the Pooh and his friends. Yet, for many people in our culture, the character we relate the most to is Eeyore. The gloomy donkey.

Our culture seems to suffer from "The Eeyore Syndrome".

People walking around with their eyes cast down and no enthusiasm for life.

Did you know there is a remedy for the Eeyore Syndrome?

Joy. Not false hope. Not a fake happiness.

Nah, it's the joy that comes from God. His joy turns mourning into dancing; the one who takes off the ways of Eeyore and clothes you with a new attitude.

So today, turn away from worrying and fussing about everything, and find something to be joyful for in all God has given you.

His joy will ultimately turn your day and life completely around for the better!

God's joy is the cure for the Eeyore Syndrome!

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