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Building Resilience

After life's setbacks, how do we get back up again?

Have you ever been encouraged to be more resilient, that the key to setbacks in life is having resilience to get back up again?

But...what if resilience on its own isn't enough?

In fact, what if it actually adds to our troubles; that the pressure to build resilience for ourselves only adds another burden to our already burdened and busy lives?

A better solution would be to admit we can't do everything;

that we can't always get ourselves back up again, that we need someone else to be strong on our behalf and carry our burdens.

Enter Jesus, with these wonderful words:

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

Jesus says, "I'm prepared to carry all your burdens; give them, give your life to Me."

So, is trying to build resilience only wearing you down further? Consider the offer of Jesus.

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