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Evangelism in a Skeptical World: 3. Coffee, Dinner, Gospel

Eternity Podcast Episode 3 - Coffee, Dinner, Gospel

The non-Christians we speak to today are generally post-churched, post-reached and post-Christendom. If we’re going to tell our friends about Jesus, we’re going to need new approaches that take into account who they are, and the world they live in. This six-part super-podcast by Sam Chan, author of Evangelism In A Skeptical World introduces six 15-minute ‘evangelism life hacks’ that will help you give your friends the Gospel in a way they’re prepared to hear it.

Episode 3 - Coffee, Dinner, Gospel

You can't just jump into deep water, and you should equally lead up to deep conversations. Society has public and private spaces, and 'rules' about what sort of conversations can be carried on in each. City Bible Forum evangelist and author Sam Chan says we have to think carefully about the context of our conversations, if we're hoping to move them on to more serious topics.

This is an Eternity Podcast Network series based on the book 'Evangelism in a Skeptical World' by City Bible Forum Evangelist Sam Chan. To subscribe go to the Eternity page:

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