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The value of answering your messages

In the film Ghosted, we can see how texting or SMS-ing have become the primary form of communication in this modern world. This storyline shows how ignoring someone damages human relationships.

One common reason people 'ghost' others is out of fear.

They do not want to handle confrontation or conflict. They use the excuse that they are sparing someone's feelings, but what they are actually doing is not dealing with issues that should be addressed.

The Bible teaches us that we should love our neighbours as ourselves.

Ghosting people is the opposite. It's generally a selfish thing to do that hurts people and ruins relationships. Instead, God wants us to live in harmony with other people.

We can only do that if we are willing to do whatever it takes to build healthy relationships.

My friend, say no to ghosting and choose to be present in people's lives today.

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