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Listening and human touch

Two lessons about marriage

Recently, there have been a few films I have reviewed about the importance of listening and human connection within a marriage.

Here are two of the quick lessons I learned.

First, the importance of listening.

By effectively listening, people within these films were able to move past their difficulties and show how listening can be one of the most important actions anyone can do for their spouse.

Maybe, stop talking for a bit and start listening.

Second, learning the value of human touch within marriage.

One of the most heartbreaking scenes in one film was when the on-screen husband refused to hug his wife.

With few words spoken, this relational breakdown managed to show the importance of the touch of someone’s hand, the wiping away of a tear or the euphoric placement of a well-timed kiss.

My friends, are you listening?

These two simple lessons may be the catalyst to saving marriages worldwide.

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