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Male Friendships

These connections are under threat

"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."

These words from Proverbs are a challenge for us all to invest in friendships.

Yet, in this modern era, the discussion of male friendship has been under threat.

These friendships can be unfairly labelled by people, instead of allowing them to flourish. While most men desire to have friends, they may hesitate to have close friendships, because of modern ideals that automatically make their connection into something it is not. Two blokes should be allowed to be friends who hang out, laugh, play sport or challenge each other to be creative.

The true tragedy of some of the modern narratives in society about male friendships should be a warning to us all.

Humanity is designed for human connection and friendship.

We should be slow to define these connections and allow men to just be friends.

Bible reference(s):
Proverbs 18:24
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