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The Painful Side of Sacrifice

The cost of adoption

I love hearing different stories of adoption.

Yet, we can forget the other side of the process that involves deep pain and grief for those who choose to give up their child for adoption.

Many of these individuals love their child, and it is out of this love that they wish to give them up, so that this child may have better opportunities than they could offer to give.

The pain of sacrificial love often involves inflicting pain on ourselves, in an attempt to shield others from pain.

There is no greater example of this than Jesus Christ. He sacrificed Himself because loved the world. He was beaten, shamed and separated from His own Father. And He went through it all, to adopt us as His own.

In 1 John 3, We can read that we know love by this—that He laid down His life for us.

Could there be any greater sacrificial love?

Bible reference(s):
1 John 3
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