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Spiritual Glyphosate

I recently sprayed my indoor plants with weedkiller to help them flourish. Well, not quite true.

I mistakenly sprayed them with glyphosate – weedkiller - thinking it was fertiliser.

Cue panic, cue self-loathing.

Cue a quick trip to Bunnings and repotting every plant in the house.

Sometimes the things we believe help us flourish are actually bad for us.

Spiritual or social glyphosate.

So we hear it said that our flourishing requires everyone to “just do you”, or be true to yourself only.

But with record levels of loneliness, and anxiety our communities are not flourishing.

Perhaps it’s time to look at the side of the bottle before we start spraying!

In a world which loves to receive – Jesus said it was better to give.

In a society that says self-expression is the key to life, Jesus says self denial is.

What spiritual glyphosate might you be feeding yourself with?
