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Unmasked - Carney Elias

A member of the Australian Defence Force reflects on being unmasked

“Our society is based on the masks that we wear” (Australian author, John Marsden)

The workplace can be a dog eat dog world. Any hint of weakness or vulnerability is quickly sniffed out. So while we all carry burdens and troubles, workplace culture demands that we wear a mask and cover it up.

Yet at the same time our culture prizes authenticity. We live in a time of “you do you”. And for the Christian person, we know that it’s often in sharing our burdens and weaknesses that the way is opened up to conversations about the bigger questions of life.

So imagine if Christians in the workplace were the kind of people marked by an honest vulnerability. The kind of people who didn’t hide our weaknesses. And in doing so we bore witness to the One who gives us our true strength. What if we were UNMASKED?

Discover how only the Christian faith helps us take off the mask and be real with our colleagues, both for our good and theirs, and ultimately for God’s glory.
