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The Watchlist: Blue Beetle, A Haunting in Venice & Love at First Sight

This episode has it all... every genre we could pack into one show

On The Watchlist we're jumping all around the movie sphere...

Join us as we unpack all that is on offer in cinemas and streaming this week.

Laura Bennett and Russ Matthews start with Netlfix's Love at First Sight, then they head over to the next Agatha Christie mystery: A Haunting in Venice then looking at the latest in the DC Universe with Blue Beetle.

We've got a lot of ground to cover!

So many shows, so little time. At least it feels like it. Between all the different streaming platforms and the blockbuster movies coming to cinema trying to get audiences back in a post-COVID world, we are spoilt for choice on screen – and yet, still “have nothing to watch”.

Deciphering all the voices in entertainment and how to think about the themes raised in movies, TV, and streaming is tough: enter our new podcast The Watchlist.

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Bible reference(s):
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
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