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Why do we love nostalgia?

Inspired by Stranger Things

So I’m about to watch season 4 of the 80’s nostalgia trip: Stranger Things.

Is it really 40 years ago since high school? Apparently so.

Did I really wear clothes like that? Apparently so.

80 nostalgia is big, especially for those who weren’t even there.

My daughter loves Stranger Things. But would she want to go back to the 80s?

I mean we had no monsters or super villains at school, but no iPhones or TikTok either!

The past is not all misty-eyed memories. for many the scars of the past remain in the present: pain: rejection, uncertainty. These things kick on

The past involves tears.

The Bible tells us that one day – in a new creation - God will wipe away every tear from our eyes.

Memories may remain, but the pain will be gone as we step into a glorious new future.

You may find that hard to believe, but stranger things have happened.
