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Life & death: The Testimony of Lazarus

Testimony from beyond the grave?
Wed 2 Apr, 7.30am-8.30am

Room x703, NUspace Building, The University of Newcastle
Cnr Hunter St and Auckland St, Newcastle


With Easter fast approaching there will be the inevitable news story querying the resurrection of Jesus. Prior to Easter Sunday we’re told that the raising by Jesus of a four-day-dead man Lazarus led to the religious leaders of the day saying ‘Look how the whole world has gone after him (Jesus)!’ – largely on the testimony of Lazarus & those who had been there (John 12:17-19).

So just how much weight can be placed on the evidentiary material in the New Testament?

Join us at our first Newcastle City Legal of the year as Sam Hilton unpacks the meaning of this amazing event.

Please contact Peter Wrench for more information.