Under pressure
Level 31, 126 Philip St (Deutsche Bank building), Sydney
At times our Biblically shaped and informed personal values come under pressure in the workplace. Amy Brown, Michelle Lim and Victoria Brigden will share from first hand experience what they learned and how they grew as they sought to live and love like Jesus.
“We often work and lead ‘in the grey zone’. Where we are not asked to defy our personal values, but it’s not an easy fit either…we’re somewhere in the subjective and undefined in-between. Apply pressure and it can be challenging to navigate. These are the moments God can use to shape us to be more like Jesus.” - Amy Brown
“It’s challenging to live out our personal values as a Christian in the workplace: we can often feel like we are “sailing close to the wind”. But what a wonderful opportunity to live out our faith and make a difference.” - Michelle Lim
“In the busyness of our daily lives, we may not give our personal values much thought until they are challenged in some way. It’s helpful to identify our values and how our faith impacts them and our response under challenge.” - Victoria Brigden
This is an event for Christian women in Sydney hosted by City Bible Forum.