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Glenn Hohnberg
Glenn Hohnberg
"Christ Jesus, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself”
Glenn Hohnberg
It's one of the most sad yet beautiful images in history; the creator of the world becoming human and dying for his people
Glenn Hohnberg
The late Christopher Hitchens argued with his typical sharp and devastating prose that 'religion poisons everything'
Glenn Hohnberg
Jesus reverses and transforms the way power is understood and the way it is wielded in our society
Glenn Hohnberg
Jesus' death can seem quite bewildering. A quick reading of Mark reveals that Jesus planned his death, but why?
Glenn Hohnberg
Our culture and society has accepted the premise that people are good
Glenn Hohnberg
Glenn Hohnberg
Jesus knows that we are perishing and he cares about us.