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Richard Borgonon explains The Word One to One

Richard Borgonon equips you to succeed in the joy of one to one Bible reading!
Wed 12 Mar, 8am-9am

Scots Presbyterian Church
44 Margaret Street, Sydney

Richard Borgonon explains The Word One to One

Richard Borgonon has been in the London insurance market for over 50 years, holding various international industry leadership positions, including being Chairman of a Lloyd’s broking firm. Today Richard runs his own small broking company but spends a good deal of his time sharing the Bible with senior executives using The Word One to One – a Bible reading tool that he founded and which is now used in over 90 countries. He speaks internationally on Evangelism in today’s world.

Join us as Richard explains, in his usual engaging style, how to use this wonderful Bible reading tool (John's gospel with notes) with a non Christian friend.

Richard will share his positive experiences, answer your questions and equip you to succeed in the joy of one to one Bible reading.

  • No cost (BYO coffee or breakfast).
  • 8.00-9.00am.
  • Scots Church is on the north side Wynyard Park (cnr Margaret and York Sts).
  • Feel free to invite Christian friends along to this unique opportunity.
Please contact Craig Josling for more information.