Deepening Conversations

How can we have good conversations about faith-related things?
Here are four tips to have effective conversations with colleagues, friends or family:
Have calm conversations
Faith-based conversations can be anxiety-producing, they bring a real or perceived threat of rejection or persecution. Sometimes we feel anxious, other times it's more subconscious. If someone says something negative about Christianity we might get anxious or even angry. Remember that Jesus would be calm and see the heart of the person asking the question. Slow your breathing, listen, then ask: “What makes you think that?” Keep your tone genuine and curious.
Have conversations that evolve
To have interesting and deep conversations, you need to listen so that you can understand. It’s hard to understand if we feel anxious or angry. Your friend or colleague might display anger, grief or anxiety. Stay calm and interested in what they have to say. You could say “ I’d like to understand why this is important to you”. This kind of open questioning can help the conversation evolve.
Have conversations that resolve
A conversation might feel negative, but you can make this a positive experience for both of you if you stay calm and present. 1 Peter 3:15 says: “always be… prepared to make a defence to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect”. The best way to be prepared for any conversation is to stay calm and listen well.
So if you’re anxious about sharing your faith or end up in a difficult conversation, remember that God has called you to demonstrate gentleness and respect and is with you always.
This devotion was based on a course by Caroline Spencer, to find out more click HERE