3.5 out of 5 stars
It has been months since audiences have been allowed in theatres and now that we can enter these cinematic temples, is it worth the effort? For the movie tragics, there is no doubt that the time is now. Even though it may be a soft opening for most of the cineplexes, it does not matter, we want back in. The small independent offerings may not set the box office on fire, but they are here to woo us back. If you are looking for a fresh, charming and heart-warming trip back, you cannot go wrong with Love Sarah.
This seems to be a familiar path that promises syrupy-sweet narratives, family tragedies, tears and soft belly laughs. Beginning with a bike ride by the movie's namesake, Sarah (Candice Brown) is on her way to open her specialty bakery with her best friend, Isabella (Shelley Conn). An unexpected joyful moment that ends in an assumed tragedy, because the next few scenes are a montage of those closest to the aspiring baker grieving her passing. Sarah’s daughter, Clarissa (Shannon Tarbet), cannot focus on her dancing career and the family matriarch, Mimi (Celia Imrie), is working through the guilt of not connecting with her daughter. While Isabella tries to get out from under the debts she incurred because of her best friend and business partner’s passing. And then the three women are forced back together.
In honour of Sarah, they decide to have a go at opening the bakery. The only trick is that they do not have a chef to work in the kitchen. Enter the dashing blast from the past, the accomplished chef and Sarah’s former lover, Matthew (Rupert Penry-Jones). In a strange twist of fate, he left his Michelin Capped restaurant and decided to join the three women on their culinary adventure. This proves to be a venture that is more of a challenge than many would have thought. Until they reach into the deep recesses of their creativity to see if they can genuinely represent Sarah’s dream
The best way to describe this project is with the labels of quaint and charming. Love Sarah does not offer too many surprises, but it will deliver the romance to tantalise couples to come back to theatres. The cast provides the right mix to make this believable and endearing. Each actor serves a specific purpose and seems to enjoy the process of playing their part. Then director Eliza Schroeder manages to sweeten the whole thing with tantalising desserts and confectionery that will provide the foodies with a reason to join the romantics of the world.
What is disarming about this modern film is that it does not hide anything behind the apron strings of this screenplay. There are no secret agendas, political statements or dramatic twists that could undermine the whole thing. Jake Brunger’s storyline manages to provide a sweet tale of family rediscovery and a tribute to the woman who brought them all back together again. No one should wait for this project to win any significant awards, because that is not what this project is about. Like all desserts, this seems to be a delicious little option for people to be tempted to return to theatres and it should work. Love Sarah is worth a taste, one that will bring a smile to your face, a tear to your eye and insatiable need to have something sweet afterward.
He who gives food to all flesh, for his steadfast love endures forever. Psalm 136:25
Food is a beautiful gift that soothes the hearts and minds of all humanity. What you can discover about a story like Love Sarah should drive people together to enjoy a meal and a conversation. Connecting with one another to enjoy this amazing gift from God. Food: what is that one thing that makes you think of the good days in your past? A dish, a dessert, a snack… whatever it is, share this memory and moment with someone you love. Who knows what it might lead to in your relationship with others and even, God.