Meg 2: The Trench

⭐️ ⭐️ (out of 5)
Audiences need to decide what they want as an entertainment choice with Meg 2: The Trench. There is the consideration of intellectually stimulating and deeply meaningful entertainment or a monster film that is there to give their fan base exactly what they want. This sequel fits into the second category and is for those who enjoy a self-aware, strangely predictable, suspense thriller about a behemoth shark and the people who work towards its demise. Director Ben Wheatley (Free Fire) unapologetically provides his version of the demon of the deep tale that has become a mainstay in cinemas since Jaws.
Jonas Taylor (Jason Statham) returns to the dangerous waters of the megalodon to assist in finding the best way for these creatures to exist peacefully with humans. Led by Jiuming (Wu Jing) and his team, who have family ties to the original crew who died in the discovery of these gargantuan creatures. This Chinese-based organisation works to map the underwater world where these creatures reside to study them and discover more about this unknown habitat deep in the ocean’s trenches. Their admirable intentions are undermined by corporate executives who see the financial gain of the mineral-rich area of this sea habitat. As these differing worlds collide, the fury of these creatures is unleashed on the unsuspecting land dwellers, who can only be saved by Taylor’s crew.
For all of the Godzilla and Sharknado fans of the world, this film was made for you. There is nothing in this production that tries to be anything more than the latest monster hunt. Some viewers could argue that there is enough plot to differentiate this from most stories of this ilk and that the special effects are admirable. Yet, the dialogue and illogical use of science bring all of these other components back to a ridiculously entertaining that may be intentionally humorous within the horror. A B-grade film with a blockbuster budget that doesn’t even try to hide that no one is genuinely taking any of this seriously.
Jason Statham has to be laughing all the way to the bank as he mugs for the camera and delivers lines about chum with convincing smugness. His delivery is reminiscent of 80s action hits that allow their star to punch their way out of the most unlikely situations and wink at the camera in the process. Thankfully Wu Jing and the rest of the cast are in on the ruse and strap in for a series of far-fetched action sequences that borrow from Jurassic Park, Jaws, and most modern Godzilla offerings.
Meg 2: The Trench makes you laugh when you should cringe, and incorporates enough science to make things plausible while allowing audiences to escape into the preposterous deep waters of a monster flick. It knows exactly what it is and doesn’t apologise for its existence in the least bit, like a dinosaur-sized shark.
REEL DIALOGUE: Did God create dinosaurs?
Based on what we can know from the Bible, mankind, creatures, and planets were created by God. It's hard to imagine that a film like Meg 2: The Trench could get audiences thinking deeply about anything. Still, why not think about what happened at the beginning of time on Earth?
From the beginning scene of the film through until the end, people might have time to consider how this planet came into being or who created the creatures that inhabit it. Especially since there isn’t much else to think about. This movie does open the door to these discussions, but fails to provide satisfactory answers. Admittedly, Meg 2 was never trying to answer these queries in the first place.
Yet, why not ponder this idea? Many would argue that the Bible is not a science textbook. Still, it provides answers to the origins of all of creation. It does get us closer to understanding that God brings all things into being by creating the universe, humanity, and, yes, even dinosaurs. Also, Genesis shares that God created these things, including the purpose for all of His creation, and shows how it is meant to glorify Him. Understandably, this movie is intended to be mere entertainment. Still, the philosophical ideas it engages with should open the door to discussions with viewers about the actual story of God's plan for His excellent creation on this planet.
It was you who crushed the heads of Leviathan and gave it as food to the creatures of the desert. - Psalm 74:14
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