11 For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. 12 It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, 13 while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, 14 who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.
Titus 2:11-14
The ‘grace of God’, God’s undeserved mercy - personified in Jesus, saves us despite what we’re like.The ‘grace of God’ also teaches us to live doing good, resisting sin, while we wait for Jesus’ to return.
(This blog is a Tho Tale from his archive)
I met a man at an Evangelistic Prayer Team at his workplace in the city. We'll call him Raymond. At the EPT, we’d pray for people, mainly other workmates to believe that Jesus died and rose again for them. My friend from church Jennifer had invited him, a senior staff member. -“What guts!” I thought, “Go Jen!”
Ray came to the EPT at his company every time (Jen booked us a room, one of the most junior people at the workplace - go Jen!). The only issue was that I didn’t think Ray was a Christian. I think he believed that we were saved through doing good things. I arranged to have coffee with Ray separately at one of the city’s many coffee shops to discuss this further.
Ray and I read Titus 2 which talks about grace and good works. While we were reading it, Ray appeared to understand the passage correctly about where good works fit in our salvation, but by the end of our meeting his speech reverted back to indicate his true thoughts on the matter. He really thought we were saved by doing good. So I arranged to meet with Ray again. We read Titus 2. The same thing happened. We met a third time. I’m guessing the same thing happened again.
Meanwhile Ray’s mum went to St Vincent’s Hospital with cancer. People even came from overseas, saying rosaries for her. At her funeral I remember Ray was keen that God’s grace come through and many Christians from Ray’s workplace evangelistic prayer team came to support him.
After this, Ray was determined to go to a good Bible teaching church, he had a list of churches to try. In the end he went to the first one on his list - he said his search was over - the Bible was read, faithfully taught and people seemed to love one another.
Over time Ray settled and kept growing in the truth that we’re saved by faith alone, grace alone, Christ alone as revealed in the Bible and wanted to start serving at church. A young man - what better way to serve than teach and model the Christian life to little kids in Sunday School ! These days Ray comes up with a curriculum for the team of Sunday School teachers which he goes through with his minister.
He asked me to supervise him as he sat two Bible College exams - one in my favourite subject: the unfolding revelation of God and his plan of salvation in the Bible.
Recently he invited me to attend his wedding. Guess who he married? A fellow Sunday School teacher!