How does the resurrection offer hope in a Coronavirus world?

Ep 158: How does the resurrection offer hope in a Coronavirus world?

Sun 12 Apr 2020


Bible reference(s): 1 Peter 1.3

In the Coronavirus world there is much fear, uncertainty and despair. Yet this weekend is Easter - so what difference does Easter make today? Can it bring hope in this difficult time? We hear four stories of Easter hope amidst suffering (including a very special cameo from some very special people to host Rob Martin).

Our world has been turned upside down by Covid-19 coronavirus. Globally, thousands of people have lost their lives, over a million people have been infected and millions of jobs have been lost. To reduce the spread of the virus we are told to stay at home, keep physically distant, practice good hygiene and virtually all physical gatherings have been suspended. Our world is gripped with fear, uncertainty and despair.

Yet this weekend is Easter - the Christian celebration of the resurrection of Jesus - where Jesus was raised from the dead. It’s a very significant event that is remembered around the world. But it was an event two thousand years ago - so what difference does it make today? Can it bring hope in this difficult time?

Our guests: Steve Brady (author and international speaker). Helen Bell (who works with students at Melbourne University), Shane Rogerson (former pastor of St Matt's Prahran) and some others.

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From the Bible: 1 Peter 1:3:

In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead

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