Ep 197: What does Lego teach us about life? | lego bible

Ep 197: What does Lego teach us about life?

Perspectives from a Lego Master
Sun 16 May 2021
Bible reference(s): Romans 8.28

Lego is one of the most popular toys in the world. We learn some life lessons from someone who is a master Logo builder. Just like Lego itself - a fun and creative conversation.

Our guest: Josh Taylor. Josh works as a school chaplain and also children’s ministry assistant for a church in Adelaide. He was also a finalist in the second season of the hit TV series Lego Masters.

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Bigger Questions asked in the conversation

Josh - you’re from Adelaide - so you pronounce Lego as?

Now Josh, we ask the really big questions on this show, and this is one of the big ones, Why is a piece of lego on the floor in the middle of the night the most sophisticated, dangerous and destructive piece of weaponry?

So what is the plural of Lego?

Smaller Question

Approximately how many Lego bricks are there in the world?

LegoMasters experience

Now Josh you appeared on Season 2 of the hit TV show Lego Masters, how was that experience?

Now, is it true that you didn’t know your Lego Masters partner, Trent until just before filming started?

Some of the builds were very long - sometimes going for up to 28 hours - did you get any sleep? Were you allowed toilet breaks? How did that work?

Did you constantly sing ‘Everything is Awesome?’ from the Lego Movie?

Lego: a pointer to something bigger

Now Josh, outside of LegoMasters, you work as a school chaplain, so how does Lego help you in that role?

Do you now feel pressure when you play with the kids to build something amazing?

Lego allows deeper relationships and connection with people, but playing with Lego also allows reflection on the bigger questions of life. For example, Lego is a great opportunity for creativity, so do you think it’s significant that Lego builds are called ‘creations’?

Why do you think we have a desire to create?

After being in a show like LegoMasters, have you changed your perspective about ‘creation’?

Personal Testimony

You work as a chaplain at a school and work for a church, so what convinced you that there was a master builder so to speak?

Now Josh, there is a verse in the Bible, from the book of Romans in the New Testament, which is important to you, from Romans 8:28,

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

How does this resonate with you?

But you didn’t win LegoMasters - you were one of the Top 3, but you didn’t win - so how can you trust that God works all things for your good as this verse describes?

So how do you see Lego reflecting or helping your connection with God? With the master builder so to speak?

The Big Question

So Josh - What does Lego teach us about life?