an episode of how does an encounter with Jesus answer life's big questions?

How does an encounter with Jesus answer life's big questions?

with Masterchef Kate Bracks
Sun 7 Jul 2019
Bible reference(s): John 2.1-11, Psalm 34:8

What is it like being on Masterchef? Where did Kate Bracks get her love of food from? What convinced her to be a follower of Jesus?

In this episode, host Robert Martin speaks with 2011 Masterchef winner Kate Bracks. Kate shares about her journey on Masterchef and something of her journey with God. She shares about what makes the Christian God unique and clears up some misconceptions about Jesus.

How does a Masterchef react to "Taste and See that the Lord is good"? Listen and find out.

This episode was originally broadcast and released on 18th February 2018, hence the absence of an episode number.

The Encounters with Jesus series was inspired by the book Encounters with Jesus by Tim Keller.

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Bigger questions asked in the conversation

Smaller Questions

The smaller questions were about 'how much you know: Masterchef?’

Masterchef journey

Kate, so how do you feel that your cooking was watched by so many people?

What was it like being on Masterchef?

Where did you get your love of food from?

Christian journey

What convinced you to become a Christian believer?

The Bible reflection

This comes from the New Testament book of John where Jesus and his family were at a wedding. Now Kate, weddings were significant events in the Ancient world weren’t they? What happened?

How would you feel about the catering involved? Would it make a worthwhile Masterchef elimination challenge?

In John 2 verse 3, in this story, the narrator shares about a culinary disaster which was possibly even worse than burning gingerbread. What happens?

In John 2 verse 4, we read a somewhat surprising statement from Jesus. After his mother says that they don’t have any wine he responds somewhat brusquely with, ‘What is this concern of yours to do with me, woman’, ‘My hour has not yet come’. Why do you think Jesus was so abrupt with his own mother?

What does ‘his hour’ refer to?

The Bible offers many culinary images to describe God and relationship with him.

Psalm 34:8: ‘Taste and see that the Lord is good’.

How does a Masterchef react to a verse like that?

The Big Question

So Kate, how does an encounter with Jesus provide an answer to life’s big questions?