The Word 121 Church Course | City Bible Forum

The Word 121 Church Course

An interactive Evangelism Course
Thu 11 Aug 2022

Did you know that 1 in 5 non-Christians agree to read the Bible when asked? Right now, there are 300 non-Christians who are meeting Jesus in the Bible with a Christian friend around Australia each week, and by God's graciousness at least 5 started following Jesus in 2021.

Our goal is to see around 20,000 people trained in the Word 121 by 2023, to do this, we need your help. We want to give churches all the resources they need to be able to train their own people, applied by pastors who know them personally.

This course gives you a Slide deck, High quality videos, a Facilitator's Guide and Participant Handouts for you to guide your group through the Word 121 method of Bible Sharing.
